Today I decided that it was about time that I bought a watch. I've been holding out for years now waiting for a Michael Kors or Rolex watch but finally I've decided that if I stick by that, I'll be waiting a good 20 years.
I wanted a rose gold watch; I think it's impossible to not want a rose gold watch if you're a fan of Fleur, Ingrid and Tanya on YouTube. I didn't want a very expensive one so I went to Argos and I found this one by Identity London. As soon as the woman showed it to me I knew I needed to buy it.
It's big, very big as it's a boyfriend watch but it's very sturdy and feels more expensive than it is/was. I really love it but now I've got to get used to actually wearing a watch as it's strange haha. The pictures really doesn't do the watch any justice - even the official Argos image doesn't. So if you're interested then I highly recommend heading down to Argos and checking it out for yourself. Be careful though, you will fall in love.
This watch is available from Argos here and retails for just £14.99.
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